Monday, August 16, 2010

Watermelon Buyers:

We now have room in our Cold Storage facility beause our Bell Peppers are gapped and we are waiting for our last Onion Field to be field harvested. We will put the bins into the Cold Storage at 60 degrees while they are Fresh and in perfect condition!

We feel this extra cooling will ensure the best quality for your orders late in our season. We still have some 6's and 7's on SPECIAL below picking cost while they last!

Thank you to all who picked up Friday and Saturday with this special pricing. As soon as we clean up these melons at the 12 cent level will work so we can keep picking the 60 counts and not go backwards in the melon program.

Yellows are perfect and sweet and we stock Baby/Mini's at cost for your needs just as we do the Regular Seeded.

Plan on running your refer units at 60 degrees if possible...
Onward and Upward!
Team Thomson