Thursday, July 29, 2010


Watermelon Buyers:

Red Seedless and Regular Seeded -- The market is steady-as-she-goes. We are looking for Size 4 (36 count) customers!

Yellow flesh -- are available in fresh picks. Annie will make deals on large orders.

Babies -- are being picked daily and we've lower prices on some sizes.

Place your orders early so we aren't sold out when you call or e-mail. Jeff will do some calling tomorrow as our volume will increase.

Don't forget to load the Peppers and Onions with Your Melons.

Thank You for Your Support!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Special on Baby Watermelons!

Watermelon Buyers,
Get your orders in early on the Red Seedless and Regular Seeded...the next couple of days we are picking in our early fields and our supplies will be limited and tight!

Yellows and Baby/Mini:
Annie has good volume and fresh cuts...we continue to search for customers who can help us recover some of the growing costs...there seems to be abundant supplies at picking and packing costs if not below these harvest expenses.

Please mix your Onion and Pepper orders with the Melons!!
Thank You for Your Support!!
Jeff Thomson

Our Regular Seeded Melons ~ New Field Picking

Monday, July 26, 2010

Produce Update

Watermelon Buyers:
Our new field is producing 65% size 5 (45 count) which is double the percentage the picks of the last 10 days. We have a large quantity of 5s. Our price for Size 5 and Size 4 is 16 cents/lb to help those who need same. The very popular 60 count remains at 18 cents/lb and we have standing orders for this count of Red seedless for the rest of the day with a (2 cent Chep/no 9# melon surcharge) special 60 count pack at two-dimes/lb...We may have availability of the 60 count tomorrow.
Yellow Flesh:
Annie and I adjusted the Yellow flesh down 5 cents/lb across the board(see price list)to reflect the volume we expect in the new field and allow steady movement of this colorful melon.
Annie lowered the price on the Baby/Mini size 6 and size 7 to help those who use same. Today we will see if our new field has the popular smaller sizes...
Regular Seeded :
They are cutting red and sweet!

Don't forget to load the Peppers and Onions with the Melons.
Thank You for Your Support!!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Produce Update

Produce Buyers,

Watermelons: The market is very steady at this time and we don't have any price changes this week. We will open a new field near Wasco late today and will have first cut Regular Seeded available in Car-lot quantities. We may have larger supplies of 60 count which have been scarce in the fields we have been picking this week.

Yellows and Baby/Minis: will be plentiful on this first cut field. If you have volume orders of 1/4 carlot or more for the exotics ask for special pricing.

Mix your orders of Watermelons with Peppers and Onions to save time and money.

Thank You for Your Support!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Produce Update

Produce Buyers,

Seedless and Regular Watermelons:
The watermelon market is very steady with demand exceeding our supply in most watermelon sizes and packs -- contact Jeff to place an order
Direct customers, please place your orders a day in advance before your truck will pick-up.

Baby & Yellow Watermelons -- we have availability in sizes for Yellow Flesh. We have Baby Seedless sizes 6 & 7 -- contact Annie

Organic Watermelons:
We will resume shipping next week -- contact Annie

We are packing Yellow, White and Red Onions. You have the option to customize and put a PLU sticker on any pre-order -- contact Jack or Nancy

Bell Peppers & Jalapenos:
We are Packing Green, Red and Yellow Bell Peppers -- contact Karen

Thank You for Your Support,
Jeff Thomson and Family

Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Morning Watermelon Buyers:

Thank You for the Great Cleanup of Yellow Flesh Melons and Baby/Mini/Personalized Melons!!!...The half-price sale on the Exotics last week is now over and we are picking fresh supplies this morning; hopefully we have promoted new customers with the Stimulus Package last week when we picked huge volumes of these specialty melons.
As you will note on the Monday Price sheet these items are priced back where they have been all season.

Annie Thomson will not only continue her sales of CCOF Organic Watermelons but also help in the Yellow Flesh and Baby/Mini Watermelons out of her SF office her contact information is on the Price sheet.

Don't forget to load the Peppers and Onions with your Watermelons!
Thank You for Your Support !!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Friday, July 16, 2010

Crop Update: Friday July 16

Friday Produce Buyers,
Here's our update from Today:

Seedless Watermelons: Our fields are all about large sized watermelons! Size 3 and Size 4 are available.
The very popular sizes – Size 5 and Size 6 are in very short supply.
Baby/Mini: We still have good supplies of size 7 baby/mini cartons all other sizes are sold out except a couple of pallets 10/11 size.
Yellows: Last call on the “Stimulus-Package” Yellow seedless watermelons! Note the price of $.16 per pound while the large supplies last! For yellow loading bin 7's and 5's are left from the last pick.
Regular Seeded Watermelons: available for LTL orders.

Organic Seedless Watermelons: available in 4ct, 5ct,6ct while supplies last!

We are in between the early fields and our ripening late fields so certain sizes are scarce.
Thank You for Your Support and keep loading the Peppers and Onions with the Melons!!!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Crop Update Wednesday July 14th

Prices are reduced on size 7 and 8 babies/ these while they last!!
Red Seedless market is very active!
We have a surplus of Yellow flesh--this is the time to introduce these yellow flesh melons to your customers since the prices are about the same as Red Seedless.

Organic Watermelons cutting red and sweet!

Many mixer trucks picking up our Onions.
We load Bell Peppers and Watermelons on the same truck.

Thank You for Your Support,
Jeff Thomson and Family

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Our Prince of Produce

Jack Clinton Thomson models a crown he made of our favorite summer produce: onions, watermelons and bell peppers!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here's Jack Clinton working at the office!

Crop Update Thursday July 8th

Red Seedless -- Half carlot and full carlots of size 7 red seedless can be purchased for $.12 cents/lb (details: these are 75 melons per bin about 8-9 lbs each melon they look like 6's but are 1 pound lighter weight)

Baby/Mini Melons -- We will discount on multiple pallet orders on certain sizes...plenty of 7's and now we have 8's in volume.

Yellow -- We have an ample supply and are making deals on half load and load volume orders.

Onions and Peppers are moving well today!

Thank You for Your Support!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

~The Thomson-tini ~

Our Delicious Recipe for a Watermelon Martini

1 Thomson Watermelon
1 Cup Vodka
3 limes
1/3 cup Agave Nectar
fresh mint leaves
1. Blend the fruit from a juicy Thomson Watermelon (about 4 cups) in a blender.
2. Use a sieve or cheesecloth to strain (or use a fruit juicer)
3. Juice 3 limes
3. Combine the watermelon juice, lime juice and agave nectar in a pitcher
4. In a martini shaker, blend with ice and a few mint leaves until chilled
5. Serve in a sugar rimmed martini glass over ice -- better yet, freeze slices of delicious Thomson Watermelon to use as ice!
6. Garnish with a mint leaf

From our family to yours!

pictured: Jack Thomson, CEO of Thomson International ~ 4th of July 2010
Crop Update:

Red Seedless -- The market has been very active Post 4th of July. The demand is exceeding our supply! Call or email Jeff for orders

Regular Seeded -- Available for all load volume and all mixer orders

Baby/Mini melons -- We are picking large quantities. It is the time of year to keep these special melons moving!

Yellow Seedless -- It is time to introduce Yellow Flesh watermelons to your customers! We have them available in carlots for big discounts and discuss special pricing with Jeff on 1/2 loads and loads

New: Organic Watermelons -- Our first field of Organic Watermelons have gone to customers in the Bay Area! If you know anyone in the Organic World, kindly advise Annie Thomson or Jeff!

Bells Peppers:

We are packing Green and Red this week..they are beautiful. Contact Karen for sales!

We continue with double shifts on our new line to meet our customer needs for Yellow, White and Red Onions. Contact Jack or Nancy for your onion needs!

Jalapenos and Serranos:
Contact Karen for these fresh beauties!

Thank You for Your Support!!!

Jeff Thomson and Family

Monday, July 5, 2010

We love seeing our melons when we visit other cities!
Here is Jeff in front of our bin at Trader Joe's in Pebble Beach, California!