Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Morning Watermelon Buyers:

Thank You for the Great Cleanup of Yellow Flesh Melons and Baby/Mini/Personalized Melons!!!...The half-price sale on the Exotics last week is now over and we are picking fresh supplies this morning; hopefully we have promoted new customers with the Stimulus Package last week when we picked huge volumes of these specialty melons.
As you will note on the Monday Price sheet these items are priced back where they have been all season.

Annie Thomson will not only continue her sales of CCOF Organic Watermelons but also help in the Yellow Flesh and Baby/Mini Watermelons out of her SF office her contact information is on the Price sheet.

Don't forget to load the Peppers and Onions with your Watermelons!
Thank You for Your Support !!
Jeff Thomson and Family