Thursday, September 30, 2010

JACK -o- LANTERN PUMPKINS -- Now Available!!

LARGE --HOWDEN -- 20-40 pounds

MEDIUM -- RACER -- 12-20 pounds

SMALL -- PAM -- 6-10 pounds

Pumpkins! .. more soon

Pumpkins, Watermelons & More on the Way!


It’s the perfect time to order and pre-order Jack-O-Lantern PUMPKINS! I’ll be posting more pictures on our blog so you can see our sizing and quality. I’ve lowered our price on our Large PUMPKINS (20-40 lbs) so it is a good time to sample them! The pumpkins are cut fresh and gorgeous and ready to join the fall line-up at your stores!

Our RED SEEDLESS WATERMELONS are excellent and cutting great this week! We have several bins of Size 5 and we will be packing more cartons today! I have limited supply of Size 3s and Size 6 but run your order by me and I’ll see what we can do for you!


Thank you and have a great day,

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tomorrow we will have Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkins Size S, M, and L available to order for shipping Wednesday 9/29. We are selling them in 36" bins and we will be carrying other bin sizes soon. Please call me if you have any questions. I've noted the pumpkin variety and weight specifications on our price sheet.

For our RED SEEDLESS watermelons, I have a surplus of Size 3 & Size 4 Red Seedless -- Please call me if you are interested, I'm open to offering specials at a reduced rate. For all other sizes we need 24 hours advance notice for custom carton orders to ensure we have them ready when your truck arrives. Our loading hours are 8-6 p.m M-F.

Soon we will have Squash, Beets, Cabbage and Turnips!

Make Thomson International your one stop shop for Fall Produce!
Thank you!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Greetings Produce Buyers,

Thomson International is adding Pumpkins to our Fall Line-up starting next Tuesday, September 28th. The benefit of ordering from us is that we will have a variety of custom-pack offerings. You can order Bins, Medium (12-15 lbs) and Small (7-l4 lbs) pumpkin cartons and we even offer a specialized 3-pack Food Service carton. Our watermelon and onion programs are still going strong. Soon we’ll have cabbage, squash, turnips and beets. This will certainly make Thomson International a one stop shop for you! We’re right next door to the grape, carrot and potato sheds, keep that in mind!

Please pass this information along to the pumpkin buyer for your company! Please call or email me, Annie Thomson, if you are interested in placing an order!

Thank you,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Commodities!

Good Morning,

Our supply of YELLOW Flesh watermelons has been replenished and we're ready to pack them in cartons -- these will sell fast, if you'd like them before the weekend, please let me know. I have a good supply of RED SEEDLESS Size 4 and Size 6. RED SEEDLESS Size 5s are tight and moving fast. I'm sold out of REGULAR SEEDED and BABY melons.

As always please call me to run an order by me, I may be able to meet the pricing you are looking for!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Greetings Watermelon Buyers,

This has been a busy day for our watermelon crew! We are very very tight on Size 5 Red Seedless and I will have a better sense of our availability by tomorrow afternoon. The other sizes are cutting fabulously and our quality is superior to every other retail market I see here in the Bay Area. I suggest you consider ordering a Size 4 or Size 6 Red Seedless for your stores. We should have YELLOW-Flesh CARTONS Size 4, 5 & 6 available for loading tomorrow eve. Please order these as soon as you need them since we will surely move these in the next day or two. As I mentioned our watermelon cartons are made-to-order and advance notice will ensure your order is ready when you need it!

As always, thank you for your continued support and purchasing Thomson melons and onions. We'll have cabbage, turnips, beets and squash available next month. Make Thomson International your one stop shop -- we're next door to the potato, grape and carrot folks which should make your mixer loads very convenient!!

Sincerest wishes,
Annie Thomson

Friday, September 17, 2010

Greetings Watermelon Buyers,

I can't believe we're almost half-way through this month and this week! We're still steady in supply and have availability on RED SEEDLESS 4, 6 and 7s. I would love to custom pack your carton orders and if they are ordered in advance, we will certainly have them ready before your truck loads. I have a few bins of that need a home!! Any takers? I'm very open on price and would love to send these your way; we don't have load volume but we could add a few pallets to your order of Red Seedless. REGULAR SEEDED We're going to be picking YELLOW FLESH soon and I'll touch base with the yellow melon buyers when we have our supply again! I hope to hear from you soon!

Sincerest wishes for a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Greetings Watermelon Buyers,

We’re still going smoothly and steady this week! I have availability on most sizes, especially the larger sizes of Red Seedless. The fruit is sweet and delicious! We would love to continue supplying truck load volume and your mixer orders also. As always, we custom pack your carton orders to suit your buying needs. I will let you know when we begin picking our yellow flesh melons again. They were popular last week!

We are still packing onions here at the same facility -- Nancy or Jack will take your orders. We are growing and will carry Fall Cabbage, Squash and Beets next month.

We’re looking forward to delivering you the freshest and highest quality fruit this week,


Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!!

Watermelon Buyers,
It's Annie Thomson here, I'll be writing our updates moving forward for our Fall Watermelon Program.

This week has been very steady and we're packing fresh daily to keep up with our orders. We will have Yellow Flesh Watermelons available for shipping tomorrow, please place an order immediately if you would like them in cartons so we can ship them before the weekend. Due to the tight supply on Yellows, I am firm at our list pricing.

We have availability on Regular Seeded and are looking for orders, we would love to send these your way before The Holiday.

As always, I can be reached by my cell phone, email or at the Bakersfield Main office. I hope to hear from you tomorrow morning if you'd like to place an order to ship before Tuesday.

Sincerest wishes for a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend!

Annie Thomson and Family

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Update on our Transition

Watermelon Buyers:
We are gapped in our Picking at the moment ....we lost two fields to the Fruit Fly Quarantine and are cleaning-off the fields we have left for Fall Harvest.
We are sourcing fruit from our Friends and Neighboring Growers.The exotics(Yellows, Baby/Mini's) are going to be gapped for at least 3 weeks.

Last Friday marked 20 weeks that I have been moving Watermelons to many of you and now Annie, my middle daughter, will be the Watermelon Category Manager for the Fall Season. I will continue to help Annie learn of all of Your needs. She has been on our Sales desk many times over the years and at one time did the Onions for the summer. See Annie's contact info below and on the Price Sheet.
We continue to pack onions and let us know if you are ready for some.

Thank You for Your Support!
Jeff Thomson and Family

Annie's Contact info:
661.845.1111 – Main Office
415.699. 7204 Cell
415.563. 5774 Fax – San Francisco Office