Monday, September 20, 2010

Greetings Watermelon Buyers,

This has been a busy day for our watermelon crew! We are very very tight on Size 5 Red Seedless and I will have a better sense of our availability by tomorrow afternoon. The other sizes are cutting fabulously and our quality is superior to every other retail market I see here in the Bay Area. I suggest you consider ordering a Size 4 or Size 6 Red Seedless for your stores. We should have YELLOW-Flesh CARTONS Size 4, 5 & 6 available for loading tomorrow eve. Please order these as soon as you need them since we will surely move these in the next day or two. As I mentioned our watermelon cartons are made-to-order and advance notice will ensure your order is ready when you need it!

As always, thank you for your continued support and purchasing Thomson melons and onions. We'll have cabbage, turnips, beets and squash available next month. Make Thomson International your one stop shop -- we're next door to the potato, grape and carrot folks which should make your mixer loads very convenient!!

Sincerest wishes,
Annie Thomson